Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Variety of Grass Seeds for your Garden

All grass types differ from each other. As a matter of fact, there are big differences between grass the grass seeds that are available. Every type of grass has its unique features and properties that may or may not be good for the gardens. Disease resistance, recovery potential, the nitrogen requirement, as well as tolerance in drought, heat, shade and wear are some of the major attributes of a grass seed that you may need to take note of when choosing the right blend for your garden. This article will let you know the different lawns that all require different seed mixes. Which Kentucky bluegrass seed blends are most suitable for the garden?

Family-Friendly Lawns

Your lawn will always be in use, if you have children and pets at home. Selecting a good mix of grass seed is important, so it is necessary that you choose the wear tolerant type of grass so don't have to worry about your lawn being used a lot. There are many grass seed store where you can buy this from and they usually recommend what mix are best for your lawns. A mixture of the Brown Top Bent, Creeping Red  Fescue, Chewings Fescue and the Dwarf Amenity Ryegrass is a good blend for lawns that are often used.

Low Maintenance Lawns

Having a small area in the garden with the patch of grass can also mean that you need to spend time with it to ensure its beauty and that it stays healthy. If you are not into spending a lot of time to maintain your garden, then you may opt for the low maintenance kind of grass seeds. A mixture of Creeping Red Fescue, Chewing Fescue, Smooth Stallked Meadow Grass, Brown Top Bent and the Slender Red Fescue are slow growing yet are of very low maintenance.

Shady lawn would be the best choice if you are living in an area where the sun is blocked by buildings or houses, or probably with trees growing around the lawn area. A very good thing about the shady lawn is it only requires less cutting. It would actually look good and healthy if the lawn is not mowed a lot. An ideal blend of seed mixture includes the Brown Top Bent, Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, Creeping Red Fescue, and Amenity Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass would be essential for a shady lawn.

Ornamental lawns which usually are not suitable for the daily playing children and pets but because of its rich green color, it makes the lawn a good sight. An ideal blend and very good for the Supreme Fine Lawn could include, Chewings Fescue, Slender Creeping Red Fescue,  Highland Bent and the Creeping Red Fescue, also take note that this is ryegrass-free.

The most common mixtures that are popular consists of Creeping Red Fescue, Brown Top Bent, Amenity Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass, Wood Meadow Grass, and Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, which is good for the everyday lawn. These grass seeds are very durable especially that they are a fast growing grass. Visit our website for further information. 

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